Legal Notice

idee-federale-500The Federal Idea will endeavour to include on this site the most complete and most accurate content possible, but despite its best efforts cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness and updating of the information contained on this site.

The content of the site is presented as is and may on occasion contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.The Federal Idea also makes no representation as to the use, the validity, the accuracy, the authenticity or the reliability of the site’s content.

The Federal Idea may modify, without prior notice, the information contained on the site as well as its layout, presentation, and the denial of liability.

In no case may The Federal Idea be held liable for incidental or special damage, whatever the circumstances following from the use or the inability to use the content of its site.

The Federal Idea may also offer hyperlinks to other sites, but is not in a position to control the availability, the accuracy or the reliability of the information provided and refuses any liability in that regard, including any harm incurred further to the interpretation or the use of that information.

Hyperlinks to third parties’ websites are offered only out of concern for convenience. Your use of any website outside the present site is at your own risk. The presence of a link does not suppose or constitute a recommendation of that website or of its content.

The sender of any information addressed to Think Federal by means of this site or by any other means will be held responsible for that information, for its accuracy and its truthfulness.

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